Member-only story
10,000 Readers!
A quick thank you to my rapidly growing readership + some exciting new projects :-)
I originally signed up for Medium three years ago, published a few articles, and quickly moved on.
Then, last September, I noticed that the emails I was receiving from Medium were extremely interesting. I found myself regularly opening the platform, and soon discovered that a recent algorithm change had taken place. And it was working. The magical Medium robot was reading me like a book and recommending several dozen articles per week that I had to read.
So, in mid-November, I ponied up for a Premium Membership and decided to start contributing to the community I’ve now come to love.
It’s been a wild ten months:
- 125 articles published
- 180,000+ words written
- 1.5 million views
- 6.37 billion reCAPTCHAs entered (FIX THIS, MEDIUM!)
- 2 publications launched (Surviving Tomorrow, Personal Finance)
- 1 personal development ebook published
- 1 book self-published for total pleasure
- 3 book deals signed
- Nearly 500,000 Medium reads
- 178,000 claps