Development is great, rent-seeking is a moral crime.
Land-lording in particular is actively hateful, no matter how “nice” a land-lorder may seem:
1. They chose to monopolize a property for the express purpose of extracting wealth from the contributor class.
2. They decided to charge usury in the form of rent.
3. By taking advantage of inflation (read: robbing the poor), they will receive a windfall unearned profit when they sell.
4. They will make you homeless if you miss just a few payments, no matter the reason.
Hate isn’t just a word or a feeling—it’s an active verb. And actions speak far louder than words:
Even if land-lorders don't know it or understand it (and most truly don't, yet...) for-profit land-lording is actively hateful in multiple ways.
My dream is a world without economic exploitation, and I present possible solutions for eliminating corruption. So far, you've done nothing but tear down, but not once have you offered alternative ideas for how to rid our world of corruption and foster widest-spread longest-term well-being.