Luckily, you aren't Covid death prevention expert and are not my source of "data." As the article says, I'm all for prevention protocols/etc, but anti-vaxxers are asking us to take a proven death-preventer off the table and sensible nations are saying now.
But it's all besides the point anyway, because you're still failing to see the point of the article, Timothy. It's about a Covid-19 Personal Responsibility Mandate. I am baffled how much anti-vaxxers hate the idea of others taking a therapeutic that increasing their chances of not dying from Covid. I really don't care if you don't get vaccinated, and I've offered a way that anti-vaxxers can avoid using this particular therapeutic... but rather than being a decent humans and just acknowledging this, they continue to throw around hearsay and rumors and never address the actual philosophical point.
TLDR: I do not welcome unscientific debates on my comment wall. I'd rather you write a philosophical refutation article on why you think anti-vaxxers shouldn't be held responsible for their anti-commons actions.