Sadly, scenario three is least-likely to happen. Option #1 is near-guaranteed.
Never forget that "doomsday" is in the eye of the beholder. I consider none of these to be doomsday scenarios, because I don't hold extremist views on how the world ends. These are the three most likely outcomes. If realism is too doomsday for you, I cannot help you my man.
And if you are suggesting that I am encouraging the murder of millions, you are willfully misinterpreting my articles.
I assume you're American. I just can't see a scenario where you'd say, "ah, Russia, just got ahead and take half the country." Even if you did... that's not what Ukrainians want. What you want doesn't matter. What I want doesn't matter. Ukraine wants Ukraine, Russia wants Ukraine, and Russia will likely get it. Sad, but likely. That's it, no drama.